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1、  用途:主要应用于狗扣、方扣、日字扣等合模线水口毛刺打磨,比纯人工刀刮轻松和标准。

        UsedGrinding is mainly used in dog buckleFang Kou burrCompared to the manual knife relaxing and beautiful


pporting tool is Rotary fileScraper

2、  机器功能:刀具高低自行调节,电机配套变器调速功能,电机配套水冷系统

 FeaturesThe level of self adjustment toolMotor converter speed control functionMotor cooling system

3、  结构特点:机械钢构为主,不须配套电路系统;具有操作简单方便、容易掌握入门、使用稳定可靠、易于自我维修;企业投资成本低、低风险、高效率的生产等优点。

Structure characteristics Mechanical structure, does not need to be matched circuit system; has the advantages of simple operation, easy to master, easy to use and easy to self repair, stable and reliable; the enterprise investment, low risk, low cost high efficiency production etc.

广州市国丰抛光机有限公司 版权所有 @ Copyright 2013 [网站地图] [sitemap] 【百度统计】
地 址:广州市番禺区大岗镇庙青村广珠东线庙青村路段447号 电 话:020-34992929 联系人:冯先生 访问量:
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